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How to eat a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet
Wonderworld 01: Components of food
Lesson 01 - Why chocolate tastes soooooo good (10:08)
Lesson 02 - Fiber the Traffic controllers (2:29)
Lesson 03 - Carbohydrates and whole grains explained (2:27)
Lesson 04 - Protein and amino acids explained (1:12)
Lesson 05 - Antioxidants the Peacemakers (2:13)
Lesson 06 - Negative ions: Why do we feel euphoric when it rains (1:28)
Lesson 07 - Vitamins in supplements vs Vitamins in fruits and vegetables (3:35)
Lesson 08 - Pesticides and GMO explained (3:50)
Lesson 09 - Boxing match: Plants vs Animals (1:22)
Wonderworld 02: Common diseases explained
Lesson 01 - Cardiovascular disease: What really happened to mom (5:25)
Lesson 02 - Overlooked nutrition lesson from World War II (2:37)
Lesson 03 - GERD: Why do I keep having a heartburn (1:49)
Lesson 04 - High blood pressure and salt explained (1:50)
Lesson 05 - Diabetes and how the body turns food into energy (7:03)
Lesson 06 - Cancer or cancerlet (7:46)
Wonderworld 03: Walking the talk
Lesson 01 - Vegan does not automatically mean healthy (3:34)
Lesson 02 - How to make a delicious plant-based breakfast (2:17)
Lesson 03 - Simple, easy equation for lunch and dinner (2:26)
Lesson 04 - Iron: Greens, greens, greens (1:47)
Lesson 05 - What to drink when on a plant-based diet (1:08)
Lesson 06 - Snacks and loving your guests (2:26)
Lesson 07 - I can eat in every restaurant that you can eat in (3:40)
Lesson 08 - Three ways to get Vitamin B12 (1:50)
Wonderworld 04: High performance plant-based athletes
Lesson 01 - Where do plant-based athletes get their protein (2:19)
Lesson 02 - Do plant proteins have to be combined (1:19)
Lesson 03 - The Montenegrin secret (2:01)
Lesson 04 - The only major challenge for plant-based athletes (2:28)
Lesson 05 - Maximum sports performance using natural steroids (3:35)
Lesson 06 - Faster muscle recovery and less inflamation (1:06)
Lesson 07 - Losing weight: Nutrition vs Exercise (3:10)
Wonderworld 05: Overcoming fears, obstacles, and misconceptions
Lesson 01 - The real cost of food is not only what you pay upfront (2:01)
Lesson 02 - On the contrary, healthy food is the cheapest (2:47)
Lesson 03 - Making the actual switch to a plant based diet (4:27)
Lesson 04 - Dealing with family, friends, and society (1:48)
Wonderworld 06: State of affairs of healthcare, government, and industries
Lesson 01 - Why is all this important (3:00)
Lesson 02 - Why else is all this important (5:08)
Lesson 03 - Why is all this information not massively reaching people (7:12)
Lesson 04 - Whom can you believe (3:41)
Wonderworld 07: Remembering and reawakening
Lesson 01 - Natural pooping position (0:51)
Lesson 02 - Stand-up desk (1:20)
Lesson 03 - What do animals do when they are sick (2:09)
Lesson 04 - There is more to a healthy life than just nutrition (4:42)
Lesson 05 - Words from the wise on moving mountains (3:35)
Great Recipes, Books, Documentaries, and Websites
References: Who, what, where, when
Lesson 06 - Cancer or cancerlet
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